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Miranda Rights

53rd ANNIVERSARY OF MIRANDA RIGHTS Fifty-three years ago, Miranda v. Arizona established landmark reform in the criminal justice system.   The Defenders Criminal Defense Attorneys in downtown Las Vegas would like to acknowledge this day in history when, 53 years ago on June 13, 1966, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the conviction 53rd ANNIVERSARY OF MIRANDA RIGHTS

What is a DMV Administrative Hearing?

Department of Motor Vehicle building

What is a Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Administrative Hearing If you’ve had your driver’s license revoked or suspended by the Nevada DMV, due to a DUI or other reason, you can appeal the revocation to a DMV Administrative court, through the DMV Office of Administrative Hearings.  During a DUI arrest, the police probably What is a DMV Administrative Hearing?

Identity Theft Cases in Nevada

Identity Theft Cases in Nevada Identity Theft is the act of using someone else’s identifying information to commit fraud by obtaining money or property. Common examples of identity theft include: Making purchases with someone else’s credit card Obtaining new credit cards by using someone else’s identifying information Obtaining loans for vehicle purchases using someone else’s Identity Theft Cases in Nevada

Charged with a Hit and Run?

Charged with a hit and run?

Charged with a Hit and Run? Nevada State Law requires drivers who are “involved in a crash resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to any vehicle or other property which is driven or attended by any person shall” (NRS 484E.030)share the following information with the other driver, vehicle occupant, or Charged with a Hit and Run?

Illegal Search and Seizure

Can police search my car on a traffic stop? We’ve discussed searches and seizures previously, however, when driving your car, do all the same rights apply on a traffic stop? The answer is, it depends. Amendment IV of the U.S. Constitution guarantees security against unreasonable searches and seizures and requires warrants to be issued with Illegal Search and Seizure