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Ghost Guns and the Law

Ghost guns legislation

Ghost Guns Under Scrutiny: Definition, Federal and State Laws, FAQs Answered   In recent years, the term “ghost guns” has gained significant attention due to their unregulated and untraceable nature. Ghost guns are firearms that are either sold as individual parts or as disassembled kits without a serial number, making them highly attractive to individuals Ghost Guns and the Law

Fraud in Nevada

Women being a victim of internet fraud

Fraud in Nevada In legal terms, fraud is an “intentional deception” to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. The purpose of fraud may be monetary gain or other benefits. In criminal law, a person accused of fraudulent activity can be charged with a crime, even if there Fraud in Nevada

Nevada Gun Laws and Out-of-State Visitors

The purse of a women with items like gun, watch and lipstick on display

Nevada Gun Laws and Out-of-State Visitors While reviewing Nevada gun laws, it is important to note that such laws apply to both in-state and out-of-state residents. There are certain limitations in “open-carry” firearms for residents and non-residents in Nevada, but in general locals and visitors are permitted to “open-carry.” In order to carry a concealed Nevada Gun Laws and Out-of-State Visitors

Assault and Battery Laws in Nevada

Nevada’s Assault and Battery Laws: Definition, Penalties, and More When it comes to assault and battery, many people think the terms are interchangeable. In actuality, they are two distinct crimes, have specific legal definitions and carry different penalties based on the severity of the circumstances If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, Assault and Battery Laws in Nevada

Criminal Law – Q & A

laws and penalties for carjacking in nevada

Criminal Law – Q & A There are many questions people have about the law when it comes to criminal justice. Attorneys at The Defenders want to make it easy to find the answers. When we take on a case, our clients have our firm’s knowledge and experience to count on for all of the Criminal Law – Q & A

Helping You Understand Criminal Law Terminology and Classifications

The hands of a handcuffed man

Helping You Understand Criminal Law Terminology and Classifications Your criminal defense lawyer will be required to use standard legal terminology often called “legalese,” which is defined as “the formal and technical language of legal documents” that is often hard to understand. The reason for this type of legal English is for consistency in the processes Helping You Understand Criminal Law Terminology and Classifications

Bail: Getting Out of Jail – What Next?

handcuffs on a table

Understanding Bail in Nevada: Getting Out of Jail Being arrested can be a distressing experience, but understanding the bail process in Nevada can help alleviate some of the anxiety. Bail allows individuals to be released from custody while awaiting their criminal case to conclude. However, there are important considerations to keep in mind when posting Bail: Getting Out of Jail – What Next?

Do I Have a Warrant in My Name?

Criminal defense attorney signing legal papers

Do I Have a Warrant in My Name?   In Nevada, you may determine whether or not there are outstanding warrants in your name by searching online, or calling by phone, but it is recommended to hire a lawyer for the latter method. Those who have active warrants should not risk calling, as their location Do I Have a Warrant in My Name?