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Restraining Orders

Restraining Order There are many different types of restraining orders, or emergency protective orders. Simply put, their primary purpose is to attempt to keep someone from doing something. For example, an order may be issued by a court to prohibit an individual from taking a certain action. One of the most common purposes would be RESTRAINING ORDERS

Stand Your Ground

Robber entering a house while the owner is asleep

NEVADANS HAVE A RIGHT TO “STAND YOUR GROUND” Know your rights under Nevada “stand your ground” law with “no duty to retreat.” Nevada is one of thirty-five “stand your ground” states extending your rights to self-defense. This enables a person who is being threatened with the possibility of death or great bodily harm to meet Stand Your Ground

Smoking Weed in a Las Vegas Hotel

Publicity for places that sell weed in Las Vegas

Important things to know about Smoking Weed in a Las Vegas, NV Hotel Do an internet search on Smoking Weed in a Las Vegas Hotel and you’ll receive some interesting results.  First, you may be led to believe that just about every hotel room provider in Las Vegas wants you right now, smoking weed in Smoking Weed in a Las Vegas Hotel