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Domestic Battery Charges In Nevada

  Domestic Battery Charges and Getting a Lawyer Everyone has an argument with their spouse, significant other, or another family member. Sometimes these arguments escalate into physical altercations where the police get involved. If the police are called to your home for a domestic violence call someone is likely to get arrested. Domestic violence charges Domestic Battery Charges In Nevada

Drug Trafficking Charges

The Defenders Las Vegas Criminal Defense Firm

Drug Trafficking Charges If you’ve been charged with drug trafficking in Nevada, you need a lawyer to represent you.  If convicted, the penalties are severe and life changing.  The penalties vary, based on the amount of drug or drugs you’re charged with trafficking, where they fall on the Federal Controlled Substances Schedules, and whether you Drug Trafficking Charges

Cocaine Laws In Nevada

drug possession arrest in las vegas as a tourist

Cocaine Laws Nevada Cocaine is a schedule II narcotic that is illegal in all 50 states. Cocaine is usually sold as a powder and snorted through the nose. Cocaine is derived from the coca plant native to South America. Cocaine is a powerful and addictive stimulant. Cocaine has many nicknames including blow, snow, and coke. Cocaine Laws In Nevada

Casino Markers Laws in Nevada

Casino and Gambling Crimes

What are Casino Markers and How They Work As all Nevada residents know the casinos want nothing more than to make gambling and losing money as easy as possible. So all casinos issue what’s known as a marker, this is a line of credit issued by the casino to a patron for the use of Casino Markers Laws in Nevada

Probation Violation in Nevada

Probation Violation in Nevada A judge has the option to choose to enforce probation as an alternative to jail time for the conviction when sentencing a person for a gross misdemeanor or a felony. There are some crimes that are excluded from probation as an option for sentencing, including: murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, attempted sexual Probation Violation in Nevada

Community Service in Clark County

People doing community service in Clark County

Community Service in Clark County In courtrooms across the country, judges often mandate community service as a part of sentencing when someone is found guilty of a crime. But just what constitutes community service? How does one fulfill the requirement? What exactly is the process? In Clark County, the Las Vegas Justice Court Community Service Community Service in Clark County

Public Indecency and Obscene Exposure

Obscene exposure in a park at night

Public Indecency and Obscene Exposure In Nevada, indecent exposure and exposing one’s genitals in public places, or private places seeable from public view, is considered a crime. According to NRS 201.220, “a person who makes any open and indecent or obscene exposure of his or her person, or of the person of another, is guilty,” Public Indecency and Obscene Exposure

Ghost Guns and the Law

Ghost guns legislation

Ghost Guns Under Scrutiny: Definition, Federal and State Laws, FAQs Answered   In recent years, the term “ghost guns” has gained significant attention due to their unregulated and untraceable nature. Ghost guns are firearms that are either sold as individual parts or as disassembled kits without a serial number, making them highly attractive to individuals Ghost Guns and the Law

Fraud in Nevada

Women being a victim of internet fraud

Fraud in Nevada In legal terms, fraud is an “intentional deception” to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. The purpose of fraud may be monetary gain or other benefits. In criminal law, a person accused of fraudulent activity can be charged with a crime, even if there Fraud in Nevada