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Malice in Nevada Law: What You Need to Know Malice is defined as “the intention or desire to do evil or ill will.” Malice is intentional in all forms, meaning you are well aware of what you’re doing to another. In legal terms malice indicates the intention without excuse, to commit an act that is Malice

Las Vegas Hookers

A man standing in front of a woman in high heels beside a car

Las Vegas Hookers: Are They Legal or Not? As everyone says prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. In Las Vegas, this seems to be the case. In Nevada, legal prostitution is legal, and as the only state in the union with legal prostitution, you can guess that the laws that govern legal prostitution can be Las Vegas Hookers

Breach of Peace

NRS 203.030: Provoking or Inciting Breach of Peace Riots are destructive, dangerous, and disruptive. They can cause physical harm to people and property, and they can also lead to public safety risks. Riots can also have a ripple effect on the community, causing businesses to close and economies to suffer. No doubt you are familiar with Breach of Peace

Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Forensic Science. Police Investigator Collecting Clues

Conspiracy to Commit Murder A lot of people don’t realize that agreeing with another person to commit a crime such as murder is also a crime. For example, a husband and his girlfriend conspire to murder the husband’s wife so the girlfriend can be with the husband. Let’s say they succeed and actually end up Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Peeing in Public

Urinating or Defecating in Public: What Does Nevada Law Say? It is against the law to urinate or defecate in public in Nevada. This includes sidewalks, roads, and in parks. You can be fined up to $2,000 and/or imprisoned in a county jail for up to 364 days if you are caught doing this. In Peeing in Public

Capital Murder Laws

Active crime scene with forensics

Capital Murder Laws in Nevada Capital murder is the most serious form of homicide that can be charged in Nevada. This violent crime is defined a first-degree murder carried out with at least one aggravating circumstance that outweigh any mitigating circumstances. Murder can be classified into two categories: first-degree murder and second-degree murder. First-degree murder Capital Murder Laws

NRS 207.030: Vagrancy Law

People doing community service in Clark County

NRS 207.030: Everything You Need to Know About Nevada’s Vagrancy Law Earlier this year, a man was arrested for vagrancy and other crimes including intimidating an officer and resisting with a deadly weapon. The vagrant made threats to kill and eat a police officer after he was caught lying on the sidewalk. He was asked NRS 207.030: Vagrancy Law