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SERIOUS OFFENSES, SERIOUS DEFENSEBeing charged or arrested for a criminal offense is serious…and scary. This is not what you’re used to dealing with, but we are. Every day, we work to defend clients against such charges, maximizing results for favorable outcomes. What can we help you with? Below are some of the most frequent criminal offenses and legal proceedings we face with, and for, our clients.

When you hire a lawyer at The Defenders, you and your case will have the attention of an entire team of legal professionals, all working on your behalf for the best results possible. You’ll benefit from a team working hard to investigate, advise, defend and support you and your case along the way.

Decades of experience position us to handle your case, pursuing all avenues to eliminate or reduce the charges, and any fines or penalties, including jail time. We’re very familiar with working with police, prosecutors, the court system, county and city detention centers and jails, and investigators to increase the chances of positive outcomes for you. We hire our own investigators and expert witnesses, where warranted, to build a case to support you.

It all begins by contacting us, the sooner the better. Remember, an arrest does not mean guilt, and you need a criminal defense law firm working on your behalf to help prove so.

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What more do I need to know about The Defenders?

The Defenders is a group of criminal defense attorneys and support staff with deep experience and knowledge of Nevada law, the court system, the police and any authorities involved with criminal matters. Working with the right attorney can make a world of difference. Not every case goes to court, particularly when the right attorney can work to reduce or eliminate charges through legal means.


Contact us today to begin to get your life back!

The best advice is for you to get proper guidance by talking to The Defenders. We are available day and night to start the process. Simply fill out our Contact Us form or call us at 702.333.3333. After you’ve done that, return to this website to read more information about our firm, our people, the results we have obtained for other clients and answers to questions you may have.