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Background Checks in Nevada

Background Checks in Nevada

Background Checks in Nevada: Legality & Other FAQs If you have been convicted of a violent crime, drug related crime or any other crime, in Nevada, chances are, your prospects for obtaining employment may be hampered if the potential employer makes use of background checks prior to hiring. Background checks have become a standard practice for employers, landlords, Background Checks in Nevada

When is a DUI Considered a Felony?

losing a drivers license after a dui

When is a DUI Considered a Felony? Three people are dead this morning and the Las Vegas Strip remains shut down in several directions after a shooting and a car fire on Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo. Sgt. John Sheahan says five vehicles were involved in the crash, including a taxi that burst into flames When is a DUI Considered a Felony?

Vandalism in Nevada

Vandalism in Nevada

Vandalism in Nevada Vandalism can be defined under Nevada law as the willful and malicious destruction of real or personal property of another without the other’s consent. Nevada’s vandalism laws are found in Chapter 206 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) titled Malicious Mischief. These statutes include graffiti as a form of malicious mischief, although Vandalism in Nevada

Posting Bail: What You Need to Know

Posting Bail: What You Need to Know

Posting Bail: What You Need to Know The United States Constitution guarantees bail for criminal defendants in the Eighth Amendment. It states simply: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” The Constitution does not indicate what bail means, indicating that the concept was well known and Posting Bail: What You Need to Know

Nevada Criminal Code – Part II: Gross Misdemeanors and Misdemeanors

Nevada Criminal Code – Part II: Gross Misdemeanors and Misdemeanors

Nevada Criminal Code – Part II: Gross Misdemeanors and Misdemeanors In our previous post on the Nevada criminal code, we reviewed the constitutional basis of the criminal code as contained in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. We found Nevada’s criminal code divides punishments into three categories: felonies, gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors, and discussed the categories Nevada Criminal Code – Part II: Gross Misdemeanors and Misdemeanors

Nevada Criminal Code – Part I: Felonies

Nevada Criminal Code – Part I: Felonies

Nevada Criminal Code – Part I: Felonies Life, liberty, and property: this phrase in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has become the basis of most criminal laws in the United States. The 5th Amendment states: “No person…[shall] be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” This phrase perhaps is rooted in Nevada Criminal Code – Part I: Felonies

What is a Miranda Warning?

What is a Miranda Warning?

What is a Miranda Warning? We’ve seen it on TV. In almost any cop show, you’ll see the TV cops give a warning to those they arrest that they have the right to remain silent, that anything they say can and will be used against the defendant in a court of law. This is called What is a Miranda Warning?