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Can You Be Charged With a DUI Days Later

Can You Be Charged With a DUI Days Later Driving after even a single drink poses a significant risk. With rideshare options and public transportation readily available in Nevada, there’s simply no reason to consider driving under the influence. Unfortunately, it happens everyday. Many people believe that having just one drink or that enough time Can You Be Charged With a DUI Days Later

Understanding Incorrigibility Charges in Las Vegas, Nevada

juvenile crimes defense lawyer service

Understanding Incorrigibility Charges in Las Vegas, Nevada Incorrigibility charges in Las Vegas, Nevada, often come up in the juvenile justice system. These charges highlight instances where a minor repeatedly fails to adhere to parental authority, school regulations, or societal norms. Understanding the nuances of incorrigibility is essential for parents, guardians, and educators, as it can Understanding Incorrigibility Charges in Las Vegas, Nevada

Nevada’s 3 Strikes Law

Nevada’s 3 Strikes Law: What It Means for Habitual Offenders When we think of the phrase “three strikes”, many of us may immediately associate it with baseball. In this context, a player gets three chances to hit the ball before they strike out and are sent back to the dugout. However, in Nevada, the term Nevada’s 3 Strikes Law

Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault: What to Do Now?   No one wants to end up on the defense side of the table in a courtroom especially for a crime they didn’t commit—particularly a sex crime. Yet this happens more times than most people realize. People have spent lifetimes in prison for crimes they didn’t Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault