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Constitutional Rights of Defendants in Criminal Cases

Constitutional Rights of Defendants in Criminal Cases

The United States Constitution stands as a beacon of justice and fairness, especially in the realm of criminal proceedings. As citizens, understanding our constitutional rights is not just an academic exercise but a practical necessity. The Constitution, ratified on June 21, 1788, and the Bill of Rights, which took effect on December 15, 1791, are the cornerstones of our legal system.

One of the least understood aspects in the treatment of those charged under the criminal code is how the United States Constitution applies and protects defendants in criminal proceedings.

While the amendments appear in a seemingly random fashion, some study of the Bill of Rights is necessary to conclude what the rights of the people are.

While some interpretation is necessary to arrive at a listing of rights, the following outline provides a good understanding of the rights of those charged in criminal proceedings:

Rights of Defendants in Criminal Proceedings

Not to have one’s natural rights individually disabled, except through due process of law, which includes:

(1) Not to be charged for a major crime but by indictment by a Grand Jury, except while serving in the military, or while serving in the Militia during time of war or public danger.

(2) Not to be charged more than once for the same offense.

(3) Not to be compelled to testify against oneself.

(4) Not to have excessive bail required.

(5) To be tried by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place.

(6) To have a jury of at least six for a misdemeanor, and at least twelve for a felony.

(7) To a speedy trial.

(8) To a public trial.

(9) To have the assistance of counsel of one’s choice.

(10) To be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.

(11) To be confronted with the witnesses against one.

(12) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.

(13) To have each charge proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

(14) To have a verdict by a unanimous vote of the jury, which shall not be held to account for its verdict.

(15) To have the jury decide on both the facts of the case and the constitutionality, jurisdiction, and applicability of the law.

(16) Upon conviction, to have each disablement separately and explicitly proven as justified and necessary based on the facts and verdict.

(17) To have a sentence which explicitly states all disablements, and is final in that once rendered no further disablements may be imposed for the same offense.

(18) Not to have a cruel or unusual punishment inflicted upon oneself.

Rights of Defendants on Other Cases

(1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time.

(2) Not to be ordered to give testimony or produce evidence beyond what is necessary to the proper conduct of the process.

Other Considerations

The Bill of Rights encompasses various rights, but the ones discussed here specifically pertain to criminal prosecutions. Natural Rights, such as Life, Liberty, and Property, cannot be deprived, except through due process of law, under the following conditions. Serious offenses necessitate indictment by a grand jury, unless committed while serving in the military, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

You are protected against double jeopardy, meaning you cannot be charged for the same crime more than once. You cannot be compelled to testify against yourself. Excessive bail is prohibited. You have the right to a trial by a jury, consisting of six members for misdemeanors and twelve for felonies. You are entitled to a swift and public trial. Every defendant has the right to choose legal representation, or if unable to afford one, the court will appoint a lawyer for you.

You have the right to be informed of the accusations against you, to confront witnesses against you, and to compel the court to summon favorable witnesses to aid in your defense. Each charge must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Jury verdicts must be unanimous, and the jury is not obligated to provide a justification for its decision. The jury determines the facts, constitutionality, jurisdiction, and application of the law in the case.

If convicted, any infringement upon natural rights will be explicitly stated, and the jury’s verdict is final. No additional penalties may be imposed after the penalty phase of the trial. Cruel or unusual punishments are strictly prohibited.

Lastly, in all cases, only those capable of defending themselves may be tried with legal representation, and you may only be required to present evidence relevant to the case at hand.

Facing Criminal Charges?

Understanding your constitutional rights as a defendant in a criminal case is crucial.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights lay out specific protections for individuals accused of crimes, from the right to a fair and speedy trial to protection against self-incrimination. Knowing these rights can help ensure that justice is served and due process is upheld.

If you are facing criminal charges, it is essential to seek legal counsel immediately. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and build a strong defense against the accusations. Remember, every individual has the right to a fair and just legal process, regardless of the severity of the charges they may face.

The Defenders is a criminal defense law firm dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals facing criminal charges. Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in constitutional law and can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system.

Contact us today for a free consultation and let us fight for your rights.