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Types of Domestic Violence and Domestic Violence Laws

Nevada domestic violence lawyers

Being charged with a domestic violence offense can quickly take away your privileges and turn your life upside down. Domestic violence can be defined as a violent crime committed in a very serious and intimate relationship. It is a crime involving the use of power, coercion, and violence to control another person, which is more than just a family issue. Domestic violence is recognized as a crime by state law and is prosecutable by law enforcement. It is a very unique crime and different from others because the perpetrator and victim are not strangers. Generally, they are family members or parents of children and intimate partners with one another. Domestic violence is a crime of power and control which transcends all boundaries: gender, race, age, ethnic, geographical, economic, and sexual orientation.

What are the Different Types of Domestic Violence?

There are many different types of domestic violence, as abuse comes in many forms.

Spousal Abuse: This type of abuse generally takes place in an intimate relationship, between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, or same sex couple. The presiding partner in the relationship can choose to apply his dominance through physical, verbal, emotional, spiritual, financial, immigration based, homophobic based, or simply just threats of destructive acts.

Sexual Assault / Rape: This type of abuse generally takes place between a boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, or same sex couple. This abuse can be characterized by forcing a sexual act upon the partner, without their consent. The perpetrator is pressuring the victim to preform sexual acts without any say from the victim.

Child Abuse: Child abuse is a type of abuse that is generally perpetrated on a child by a parent, step-parent, grandparent, or someone in an intimate relationship with a parent. This type of abuse includes physical, verbal, or emotional abuse against the child.

Elderly Abuse: Elderly abuse is a type of abuse that is generally perpetrated on senior citizens by their children, grandchildren, or others living in the home of the senior citizen. This type of abuse includes physical, verbal, or emotional abuse against the senior citizen.

Stalking / Cyberstalking: Stalking is labeled a crime of harassment in which a victim is in fear of their safety and life. Cyberstalking is the use of the internet to stalk or harass an individual. An example of cyberstalking could be the perpetrator gaining access to the victim’s email or messages, where they can gain insight on the victim’s personal information and internet activity. With access to their accounts, the perpetrator can send threatening emails to the victim and the victim’s contacts.

What is Domestic Violence Under the Nevada Law?

The Nevada law 200.485 prohibits domestic violence. Under the Nevada law, domestic battery is any intentional or offensive touching of a qualifying person. For the first domestic violence sentence, the perpetrator must serve anywhere from two days to six months in jail, as well as perform 48 hours of community service and pay a fine between $200 and $1,000. If you get charged with a second domestic violence sentence within seven years, you must serve anywhere from ten days to six months in jail. You must also perform 100 to 200 hours of community service and pay a fine between $500 and $1,000. If you get charged with a third domestic violence sentence within seven years, you will receive a class C felony offense. In every case of domestic violence, the judge could order you to participate in weekly counseling if they believe you have a drug or alcohol problem.

If you are ever facing being charged with a domestic violence offense, you are facing losing your life, freedom, and contact with your children. If you do get charged with an offense, you are fortunate enough to have the right to a trial by jury. Here, our qualified attorneys will help you understand the details of the charges, as well as how to fight them. Our goal is to help you defend yourself and fight the charges against you so your life doesn’t turn upside down.