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Concurrent vs. Consecutive Sentences

Concurrent vs. Consecutive Sentences: How Nevada Judges Decide When you’re facing multiple criminal charges in Nevada, understanding how judges decide between concurrent and consecutive sentences becomes crucial. The decision can significantly impact the total time you might spend behind bars. At The Defenders, we recognize the anxiety and uncertainty this process can bring, and we’re Concurrent vs. Consecutive Sentences

Ballot Selfies

Ballot Selfies in Nevada: Are They Legal? With the upcoming presidential election and all the drama from the most recent presidential election it is no wonder topics related voting, ballot, and election are trending at this time.  Politics are a hot button issue and voting rights and laws are front and center.  Voting secrecy has Ballot Selfies

NRS 199.290: Compounding Crimes

NRS 199.290: Compounding Crimes—Definition, Examples, & Penalties Compounding crimes is a complex legal issue that involves hiding or complicating criminal activities for personal gain, obstructing justice. It’s a serious offense that often goes unnoticed. When someone conceals a crime or accepts payment to not report it, they are participating in this unlawful practice. In Nevada, NRS 199.290: Compounding Crimes

NRS 202.840: Bomb Threat Laws

NRS 202.840: Bomb Threat Laws Nevada—Definition, Penalties, & More In an age where public safety is paramount, understanding the implications of bomb threats is more critical than ever. Recent incidents of hoax bomb threats targeting hospitals and schools in Nevada underscore the pressing need for public awareness and legal knowledge surrounding this issue. These disturbances NRS 202.840: Bomb Threat Laws

Pre-Trial vs Trial

Pre-Trial vs. Trial in Criminal Cases They say justice should be swift, but as we all know, the courts are slow-moving. In some cases, this can be beneficial to clients, allowing time to get things right and prepare a strong defense. However, in other cases, it can be detrimental and cause unnecessary stress and uncertainty. Pre-Trial vs Trial

Juvenile Assault

juvenile crimes defense lawyer service

Understanding Juvenile Assault and Aggravated Assault Charges in Nevada Juvenile assault and aggravated assault charges carry serious implications that can significantly impact a young person’s future. Understanding the legal framework surrounding these charges is crucial for parents, guardians, and juveniles themselves. In the state of Nevada, specific laws govern how these juvenile offenses are handled. Juvenile Assault