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What does Criminal Defense mean?

The Defenders Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers

What does Criminal Defense mean? If you are charged for committing a prohibited act under the criminal code of Nevada, the government entity (also called “the state”) who brought the charge becomes the plaintiff, and you become the defendant. “The state” is represented by a prosecutor, who will attempt to obtain a verdict for the What does Criminal Defense mean?

When is a DUI a Felony?

What is a Miranda Warning?

When is a DUI a Felony? In Nevada, every DUI is different, but there are basically two types of DUI under the statutes.  The first is a DUI, where no one gets hurt.  Let’s call this a Simple DUI.  You’re pulled over, you have a minor fender bender, or you get tagged by a DUI When is a DUI a Felony?

White Collar Crimes

The Defenders can help you in case of a fraud accusation

White Collar Crimes in Nevada White Collar Crimes are made up of many different violations under the criminal code.  These crimes are felony offenses under both state and federal law and are enforced by both state and federal authorities.  White collar crimes most often involve non-violent financial crimes, committed by trusted employees within a company White Collar Crimes

Is Prostitution Legal in Las Vegas?

The Defenders las vegas

Is Prostitution Legal in Las Vegas? Contrary to Las Vegas’s image as a party town and to many people’s perceptions, prostitution is NOT legal in Las Vegas or surrounding Clark County, Nevada.  While it is true that prostitution is legal in certain rural counties of Nevada and in very specific circumstances, it is illegal outside Is Prostitution Legal in Las Vegas?

What is an Accomplice?

What is an Accomplice? Under Nevada law (NRS 195) you cannot be charged as an Accomplice in a crime.  This is because the state does not recognize a difference between a person who “aids and abets” a criminal act, and a person who physically performs a criminal act.  Both are considered “principals” of the crime “whether What is an Accomplice?

Nevada Supreme Court establishes right to jury trial for Misdemeanor Domestic Violence

Nevada Supreme Court establishes right to jury trial for Misdemeanor Domestic Violence In a reversal of its 2014 ruling on the matter, the Supreme Court of Nevada (SCONV) ruled unanimously on September 12, 2019, that individuals charged with 1st and 2nd offense Battery which constitutes Domestic Violence (BDV) both misdemeanors, now have the right to Nevada Supreme Court establishes right to jury trial for Misdemeanor Domestic Violence

Drug Paraphernalia in Nevada

Close up of heroin and equipment comprised of a syringe, a lighter and a spoon

What you need to know about Drug Paraphernalia in the State of Nevada Since they made marijuana legal for recreational use in Nevada, everything’s cool right?  Well, no, actually.  If you’re a resident of Nevada and have a private place to consume the product, its probably all cool, but if you’re one of the 40 Drug Paraphernalia in Nevada