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Background Checks in Nevada

Background Checks in Nevada

Background Checks in Nevada: Legality & Other FAQs If you have been convicted of a violent crime, drug related crime or any other crime, in Nevada, chances are, your prospects for obtaining employment may be hampered if the potential employer makes use of background checks prior to hiring. Background checks have become a standard practice for employers, landlords, Background Checks in Nevada

Domestic Violence in Nevada – Part Two – Protection Orders

Three dead on Strip after shooting, collision with cab In our previous post on this subject, we covered the statutes that define and govern domestic violence cases in Nevada and outlined statutory punishments for defendants charged with and found guilty of battery which constitutes domestic violence (BDV). In this post, we will discuss additional potential Domestic Violence in Nevada – Part Two – Protection Orders

Domestic Violence in Nevada – Part One – Statutes and Punishments

Domestic Violence in Nevada P1

Nevada has consistently ranked among the top five worst states in the country for domestic violence arrests. Battery Domestic Violence is one of the most frequent reasons for arrests in Nevada. As defined in NRS 33.018, domestic violence has a broad meaning and encompasses many acts that can be construed as violations of the statute. Elements Domestic Violence in Nevada – Part One – Statutes and Punishments