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NRS 196.010: Treason Laws in Nevada, Punishments and Other Consequences

We don’t really talk about treason or what treason is and what the consequences are, however after Jan 6th people have been talking about treason and sedition as crimes that the people who stormed the capital should be charged with.

Most of us think of treason on the federal level since it is considered a crime against the government.

Most treason cases involve things like espionage or the selling of government secrets to our enemies like Russia. In some cases, people convicted of treason have been sentenced to death in the U.S.

Sedition on the other hand is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or government.

Most people who have been arrested and charged with a crime for the Jan 6th capitol riot have been charged with sedition and not treason. This is the lesser of the two even though some believe that they should have been charged with treason.

Treason Can Also Be Defined as a Crime Against a State as Well

The offense and subsequent punishment when a person or group engages in certain illegal activities against the state in this case Nevada.

Knowing the law and your rights is very important if you are ever charged with treason in Nevada. Also, you’ll need to know what defenses are available to fight the charges and what the penalties are if you are convicted of treason.

The Defenders can provide legal representation for a defendant charged with treason in Nevada.

Not many defense teams are well educated in the crime of treason since it is so rare.

Our experienced defense team at The Defenders will try to get the charges reduced or reach a plea agreement with the prosecutor’s office to minimize or avoid penalties like jail time and or fines.

Schedule a case review call with one of our experienced legal analysts and learn more about the services we offer and get an experienced legal representative to advocate for you.

What Is the Legal Definition of Treason in Nevada?

The crime of treason is defined in N.R.S 196.010 as:

a person can be convicted of the crime of treason for levying war against the people who are living within the state of Nevada.

A person could also be convicted of treason under NRS 196.010 if the individual adhered to enemies of the state of Nevada or gave aid and comfort to the enemies of the state.

The law also specifies that the defendant cannot be convicted of treason unless they make a confession to treason in open court or unless at least two witnesses testify as to the specific overt act the defendant took which was considered to adhere to Nevada’s enemies or give them aid or comfort.

What Are the Punishments for Treason

If the defendant is convicted of treason with the requirements of the law in NRS 196.010, the most recent statute specifies that the crime of treason is considered a class B felony.

It is punishable by a minimum of 2 years in prison with a maximum sentence of 10 years.

Bail and Release Assistance for Nevada Jails

If your loved one has been arrested for treason in Nevada and held in one of our jails, our team at the Defenders can assist you with bail and inmate release information, locating a Las Vegas bail bonds agent, and working on a strategy to get your loved one released as soon as possible.

We can assist in getting your loved one released from Clark County Detention Center, Las Vegas City Jail, City of Henderson Jail. City of Mesquite Jail as well as all the other jails within the state of Nevada.

You will be ordered to post a bond or have a bail hearing to determine if bail is going to be set and for how much.

Our team will attend this hearing for you and try to get bail down to the lowest amount.

Please call The Defenders 24/7 so we can help you get your loved one out of jail.

Call us first. We will do all the research to help you and guide you through the process.

Since jails are always changing their release requirements and different crimes have different release requirements you’ll want The Defenders lawyer to guide you.

The Defenders Criminal Defense Attorneys - Best of Las Vegas Gold WinnerContact a Nevada Criminal Defense Team

When you are charged with treason in Nevada you could potentially spend a decade in prison if convicted. If you are convicted of treason your life can be affected in many ways even after you have served your sentence.

A felony conviction for treason conviction in Nevada could make it difficult or impossible to find a good job.

You cannot work in any Casino if you are convicted of a felony. You can also be denied places to live or even to go back to school if you are a convicted felon.

If you are accused of committing treason in Nevada you’ll want to respond with a legal team that will fight assertively and aggressively in your defense. You will need to hire a defense team with experience in how to fight the charges against you and get the charges dismissed or reduced.

Contact the defenders to learn more about how our firm can help you if you have been investigated for or arrested for treason. With years of experience as a defense team in Nevada, we offer our clients the valuable service that comes from experience in the legal system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is treason a felony in Nevada?

Yes, it is considered a class B felony. If convicted the defendant could face up to 10 years in prison.

What is required for a conviction of treason in Nevada?

For a conviction of treason under NRS 196.010, there must be at least two witnesses who testify as to the specific overt act taken by the defendant which demonstrated adherence or giving aid and comfort to enemies of the state of Nevada or if the defendant confesses to this crime in open court.

Can I get assistance with bail and release information concerning my loved one being held on charges of treason in Las Vegas?

Yes, at The Defenders we can assist you with bail and release information, locating a Las Vegas bail bonds agent, and working on a strategy to get your loved one released as soon as possible. We help clients in Clark County Detention Center, Las Vegas City Jail, City of Henderson Jail. City of Mesquite Jail as well as all other jails within the state of Nevada.

How do I respond if charged with treason in Nevada?

If you are charged with treason in Nevada you should contact an experienced criminal defense team who understands how to fight assertively for the rights of their clients and get the charges dismissed or reduced. Contact The Defenders today to learn more about how our legal team can help you if you have been investigated for or arrested for treason.