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The Defenders has moved!

Since formation in 2009 as the criminal defense division of the Richard Harris Law Firm (RHLF), The Defenders Firm has been located on the third floor of the RHLF building at 801 S. 4th Street. We have moved and now have street level access, and free parking when visiting The Defenders, across the street and one block south at 830 S. 4th Street, right next to Chicago Joe’s restaurant.

Due to the growth of RHLF, many functions of the firm, such as marketing and administration, have taken up residence at this new location, and The Defenders and Ticket Busters now have beautiful new offices located in this recently remodeled building.

What Does The Defenders Do?

The simple answer is The Defenders will represent you for any type of criminal violation. Whether you’re a visitor to Las Vegas, or Valley resident, if you have been charged with a criminal violation, The Defenders will provide a strong and aggressive defense for you. Our attorneys will prepare and execute the strongest defense available to protect your rights under the law.

The Defenders Defends Against DUI Charges

A DUI is a complex legal matter and requires representation by a skilled attorney. The penalties for a DUI in Nevada are expensive and severe. The Defenders can represent you if you have been charged with a DUI. Our attorneys will provide an aggressive defense against the DUI charges to minimize their severity, or even have them reduced or dismissed.

The Defenders Defends You in DMV Administrative Hearings

In order to retain your driving rights after a DUI, you may need to appear in an administrative court. While the results of this court have no impact on the DUI case in criminal court, you may appeal any action DMV may have taken in response to the DUI. The Defenders will provide a defense for you in administrative court.

The Defenders Defends Against Domestic Violence Charges

Domestic violence charges can subject you to harsh penalties under Nevada law, and have detrimental effect on your reputation and ability to find employment. While a first time domestic violence charge is considered a misdemeanor, it carries significant penalties. In many cases, charges are filed falsely by a jealous or resentful accuser or were self-defense or accidental. We can provide a defense against such charges to protect your rights.

The Defenders Defends Against Drug Crimes

Possession, distribution and trafficking charges carry imposing penalties and can ruin your life. Furthermore, the statutes governing drug crimes are complex. If you have been charged with a drug crime you will require the skills of a well-qualified attorney to navigate the charges and provide an aggressive defense.

The Defenders defends you in Probation Hearings

While Nevada laws allow for probation instead of jail time for certain offenses, and under certain conditions; failure to abide by all conditions of your probation may subject you to additional restrictions, and possible jail time. You need an attorney to represent you in such cases.

For Any Other Criminal Charge, The Defenders is here for You

The foregoing are just a few examples of common Defenders case types. Our attorneys are highly trained and skilled in representing you in any type of criminal case. If you have been criminally charged, call our office today to discuss your case, at (702) 333-3333.