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Parole in Nevada: How It Works & Other FAQs Answered

Parole is a privilege granted to individuals who have served part of their prison sentence and demonstrated that they are prepared to re-enter society. However, this privilege comes with strict conditions that must be followed to ensure a successful rehabilitation and reintegration process.

In this article, we will explore the importance of following specific rules, the consequences of violating parole, the risks of not following the terms of parole, and the benefits of abiding by the conditions of parole.

How Does Parole Work in Nevada?

When an individual is released on parole, it is essential that they follow specific rules set by the court, including:

  • Resisting Alcohol and Drugs.
  • Regularly checking in with a parole officer.
  • Living in a “halfway house”.
  • Maintaining employment.
  • Attending drug or alcohol meetings.
  • Not leaving the specified geographic area without permission.
  • Avoiding criminal activity and contact with criminals.

These rules are designed to help the individual overcome their past behaviors, learn new values, and become law-abiding citizens. Failing to follow these rules shows a lack of commitment to rehabilitation and may lead to negative consequences.

Under the standard parole system, individuals who are released from custody must adhere to strict rules and regulations while on parole. They are assigned parole officers whose job is to keep a close eye on the parolees to ensure that they are not breaking any rules or engaging in illegal activities.

These parole officers conduct unannounced check-ins and drug tests, which can be unsettling for the parolees. Parolees must understand that they are on strict watch and must carefully follow the rules, or they could face serious repercussions. The tenure of the parolees ranges from 1 to 3 years under the standard parole system, and during this period, they are expected to demonstrate a willingness to behave responsibly and adhere to the rules set out for them.

Privilege vs. Right

Parole is a privilege, not a right. It is a way for the criminal justice system to help positive behavior change in individuals who are eligible.

As such, it is essential to remember this and understand that the privilege of parole can be taken away if the rules and expectations are not followed. It is not a decision to be taken lightly, and any violation can have severe repercussions.

Consequences of a Parole Violation

When individuals are placed on parole, they are expected to obey the specific conditions outlined by the parole board.

What happens, however, when a parolee violates the terms of their parole?

The consequences can vary depending on the severity of the violation. Usually, parolees who are suspected of violating parole are required to attend a parole violation hearing. But, if the parolee commits a serious offense, then they could be arrested and sent back to prison.

It’s important to note that any parole officer has the authority to arrest a violator – but only if they have a written order from the board. The parole officer must then report back to the board with all the relevant details, and determine whether there is probable cause for the violation. The good news is that if the parole officer finds no probable cause, the parolee can be released from custody.

Procedure for Parole Board Hearing

When a parolee is suspected of breaking the terms of their parole, it’s not uncommon for there to be an inquiry at a board hearing.

The prosecution only needs to present a case with concrete evidence showing that the parolee violated the terms of their conditional release. If they can’t, the parolee is free to continue their parole.

This is where NRS 213.1513 comes in, outlining all the necessary rules and procedures that must happen at the hearing:

  • The detaining authority shall give the arrested parolee advance notice of the hearing.
  • The notice states the time, the place, and the purpose of the hearing, as well as the alleged violation of parole.
  • The parolee shall appear in person to listen to the allegations and defend themselves.
  • The parolee has the right to question any person who appears against the parolee.

This procedure is critical for protecting the rights of parolees and ensuring a fair outcome.

Risks of Not Following the Terms of Parole

The risks of not following the terms of parole outweigh any immediate benefits of breaking the rules. Individuals who violate parole face increased chances of being arrested and jailed.

This is detrimental to the rehabilitation process as it makes it harder for them to re-enter society and obtain future employment. Furthermore, failure to follow parole conditions brings negative effects on family and loved ones, adding further hurdles to the rehabilitation process.

Importance of Abiding by the Terms of Parole

Abiding by the terms of parole offers a new lease on life. It provides the opportunity for rehabilitation and successful re-entry into society. Society rewards reformed members by reducing the risk of recidivism, lowering the rates of crime, and providing a chance for redemption. Sticking to the rules of parole provides the opportunity for a fresh start and a new beginning, where past mistakes do not define one’s future.

Facing Parole Violation Allegations? Hire The Defenders

Parole is an essential step in the rehabilitation and re-entry process. The privilege of parole calls for strict adherence to specific rules set forth by courts and parole boards. The consequences of violating parole, such as the increased likelihood of arrest and imprisonment, outweigh any short-term benefits of breaking the rules. Abiding by the terms of parole provides the opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to redeem oneself, and a successful rehabilitation process.

If you, or a loved one, are facing parole violation charges, it’s important to hire an experienced attorney. The Defenders have extensive knowledge of the Nevada criminal justice system and can provide legal guidance throughout the process.

Let our experienced attorneys guide you. Contact us today for more information and to get started on your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I avoid violating parole?

Following the terms of your parole is essential for avoiding potential violations. Make sure you understand all the conditions associated with your release, including reporting requirements and restrictions on activities. Sticking to a system of regular check-ins, job search efforts and structured living arrangements will help you demonstrate that you are serious about rebuilding your life.

What happens if I violate parole?

If you violate the terms of your parole, it is likely that a board hearing will be held and you may face potential sanctions such as increased restrictions on activities or further supervision, as well as revocation of parole and re-incarceration. It’s important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to defend your rights and ensure a fair outcome.

How can an attorney help if I’m facing parole violation charges?

An experienced attorney specializing in criminal law will be able to advise you on your legal rights and options, as well as provide guidance throughout the hearing process. Your attorney will also be able to challenge any evidence presented against you and provide a strong defense in order to minimize the potential consequences of a parole violation. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact an attorney today to start building your defense.